Williams Men's Shed
The Williams Men's Shed supports men’s health and well-being by offering men a safe and busy environment where they can improve their physical, mental & social health. It provides an opportunity to improve their self-worth, value to the community, connectivity and purpose in life.
The Williams Men’s Shed currently has two regular meetings per week :
Tuesday 3-6 pm
Saturday 9-12 noon
All Welcome!
Activities for members include monthly BBQ’s, health and other information sessions. The range of activities is increasing, fund-raising opportunities are being pursued and community involvement now includes being an active partner of the Williams Gateway Expo and the Williams Repertory Society.
The Williams Men’s Shed is raising funds towards a permanent facility.
To view our plans of the site and facility, click on this link.
To become a member or to donate to our building fund, click on this link, to access our membership form.
For further information please contact:
Chairman Lawrence Rose ph: 0438 858 048
Secretary Bob Baker ph: 0429 960 953
Or send us an email mensshed@williams.wa.au