Williams' community-run, fortnightly newsletter
Articles may be emailed to thewilliams@williams.wa.au or faxed to 9885 1521. Articles may also be left at the Williams Community Resource Centre or the Williams Newsagency by Friday prior to publication on Monday.
When placing ads please state size required, number of repeats and an address for the account. If presenting articles ready to be printed it would be appreciated if they could be in size 11 Arial with a 2cm border.
A4 Page $40.00
1/2 Page $20.00
1/4 Page $15.00
Small line ads $5 MUST be paid at the time of lodgement.
A4 Page $80.00
1/2 Page $60.00
Half or full page for year 20% discount.
*Any articles etc. that are left at the Community Resource Centre for inclusion in the paper must have a contact name and number attached.
Email: thewilliams@williams.wa.au
Contact: Wendy McDonald
Phone: (08) 9885 1137
Fax: (08) 9885 1521
Bank Details: BSB - 016 770
ACC - 4390 88301
*Invoice number or surname required please
The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Committee or any other volunteer who may work to produce this publication. The Editor and Committee have the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items. No responsibility is accepted for any statement of opinion, errors or ommissions.