Live Local Longer

What is Live Local Longer?
The Williams CRC have collaborated with InCasa Aged Care and Community Services and Mable support services to bring in home aged care to Williams. We are very passionate about this new venture as it will allow more community members to stay in their homes longer.

Did you know?
The program uses local workforce which supports our town by bringing money back into our local shops and services.
All support workers are required to be verified through police check screening and are insured under Mable.
Clients get to choose the services that are provided to them and have choice of support workers.
Support workers choose their own hours and pay rate.
Are you looking for support in your home?
If you are over 65 years old, or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander over 50 years old, you could be eligible for a Home Care Package funded by the Australian Government.
If you are wanting to be assessed for a Home Care Package or want to know more contact the CRC on
9885 1378. Find out more about InCasa https://incasa.com.au/.
Are you recovering from injury or illness and need support?
Support can also be offered to those of any age at their own expense. This may be to assist with tasks at home while recovering from injury or illness.
Do you enjoy helping people? Would you like to be a support worker?
To enable the services required by older residents in our region, we are looking for people who have skills and experience in a variety of work, industries and interests.
Through the online platform Mable (www.mable.com.au), you can sign up as an independent support worker and match with clients who are in need of the services you are able to provide. Qualifications are not necessary as a large part of the support required is social support or simple everyday tasks such as mowing, cleaning and shopping. Workers who provide health support are required to have a qualification and their services provided to clients will be determined by this.
If you are interested in becoming a support worker in Williams contact the CRC on 9885 1378. Or find out more from Mable https://mable.com.au/support-workers/.
Examples of services includes but is not limited to:
Personal Care
Transport Services
Domestic Assistance
Social Support
Meal Assistance
Nursing Services
Home Maintenance Services
Helpful Guides
Home Care Support & Services Guide
Guide to becoming a Support Worker
What can I buy with my Home Care Package?